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Authority + Credibility = Influence Nov 16, 2022

As humans, we are strongly inclined to comply with authority figures. This tendency is ingrained in our nature and often operates unconsciously. People frequently underestimate the influence that authority exerts on their behavior.

Three key symbols effectively establish authority:

  1. Titles: Doc...

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Change the Environment, Not the Mindset Aug 17, 2022

In many change programs, you often hear: "Change the mindset of employees, and behavior will follow." I used to advocate this approach, but I’ve grown increasingly skeptical. For example, I’m convinced that taking the bus is better for the environment and my health, yet I often choose my car. Simila...

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Using Likability as a Tool for Organizational Change Aug 11, 2022

Implementing change in organizations largely revolves around influencing others. Influence doesn’t happen by chance—it can be cultivated. It’s both a science and an art.

The Six Principles of Influence

Robert Cialdini, an American professor of marketing and psychology, summarized the science of in...

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Using Social Proof to Motivate and Influence Your Team Jul 05, 2022


When faced with uncertainty about how to think or act in a given situation, people often look to others for cues. This phenomenon, commonly known as imitation, stems from the principle of social proof, one of the most powerful tools of influence.

Social proof works by showing what others are doi...

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From Comprehensive Change to the Most Valuable Change Jun 14, 2022


Change programs often expand far beyond their initial scope. What starts as a small plan can evolve into an overwhelming and complex process, diluting the essence of the change. Organizations tend to prepare changes down to the finest details, addressing every theoretical obstacle with interventi...

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Lean Back to Move Forward Apr 05, 2022

Late 2006, I fell in love. First with Lean, and soon after, even more deeply with Continuous Improvement. During an introductory session on the topic, I felt butterflies in my stomach and an overwhelming urge to learn more. It was like traveling and coming home at the same time. A whole new world op...

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Teaching Managers to Think Like Designers: A Look Inside KLM Feb 08, 2022

For the past year, Arnoud Bladergroen, Chief Design Thinking at KLM Digital, has been supporting managers in working more efficiently by applying design thinking to their strategic processes. This groundbreaking initiative evolved from within KLM’s product and service design team, driven by a desire...

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Change is a Process, Not a Quick Fix: A Look Inside MIVB Jan 16, 2022

It all started with a wicked problem. These are unstructured issues without a clear solution due to insufficient knowledge, the involvement of multiple stakeholders, and interconnections with other challenges. When smartphones and 4G became widespread in 2014, people suddenly had constant internet a...

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Bring Craving Into Your Organizational Change Dec 02, 2021

I recently reread The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, and this time, a key insight stood out: to turn an action into a habit, you need a craving.

The Habit Loop: My Running Story

Since 2012, I’ve been running five to ten kilometers a week on and off. It’s never been smooth sailing; I didn’t part...

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Stop Firefighting: Think Upstream Sep 09, 2021

Prevention is better than cure. It’s an age-old saying, yet one we often neglect. We tend to focus more on curing than preventing.

A Roadwork Example: The Cost of Not Thinking Upstream

In May, a neighboring municipality started roadworks: new pavement and bike lanes over just one kilometer. Traffi...

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No Gain, No Pain: Bring the Future Forward to Accelerate Change Jul 07, 2021

When introducing new software, give people a fantastic experience first, and then ask for their effort (like creating a profile, entering data, or adopting a new mindset or behavior). By reversing the "no pain, no gain" mantra to "no gain, no pain," you prioritize creating positive experiences befor...

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